Product Detail

Get a custom webpage on MedInspirations.com highlighting your qualifications, patient success stories, and testimonials. This dedicated page will enhance your online presence and attract potential patients.
Improve your presence on platforms like LinkedIn, facebook, Twitter, Google, + +. Our targeted social media strategies with focussed BTL will increase your visibility and credibility.
Explore Unconventional Yet In-Demand Strategic Tie-ups that help you tap into high-value, unconventional opportunities to further boost your practice:
Hospitals: Specialist Consultations: Sign up with hospitals to provide specialized consultations. This not only expands your patient base but also integrates you into the hospital’s referral network. Quantifiable Impact: Engaging with hospitals can result in a steady flow of 10-20 new patient referrals per month.
Visiting or Guest Faculty / Mentor for Students / Presenter at Seminars. This positions you as a thought leader and attracts professional interest and remunerations Quantifiable Impact: Leads to significant networking opportunities and 5-20 new patient leads per event
Schools and Educational Institutions, Complimentary Health Check-Ups: Partner with local clubs to offer health screenings Customized Health Checkups for Corporates Quantifiable Impact: Service with enhanced business and enriching revenues